Tuesday, September 20, 2011

REDO Week 3 - 133.6 lbs (4.4 lbs lost)

Weigh-In: 133.6 lbs
Lost: 0 lbs
Total Loss: 4.4 lbs.

No change seen for this weigh-in.  Although, throughout the week my weight have been fluctuating.  I'm surprised it ended with the same weight from last weigh-in instead of a weight gain.  So I am happy about that. 

Today is 9/20/11, and I started my period so when I weighed myself this morning I weighed 133 lbs. so I have lost 0.6 lbs overnight which is really good.  I spent 30 minutes on the treadmill then moved to the cross trainer elliptical and did 30 minutes on that as well.  Then I had a quick abs workout to finish my day yesterday.

I don't have an appetite today since it's my first day on my period so that might last until early afternoon when my cramps finally subsides.  We will see if this is the big cause as to why I didn't see any change in my weight for this week's weigh-in.  Next week might be a downer since I'll be going to a buffet tonight, dinner with friends on Thursday & anniversary dinner Friday.  I will just have to work out really hard Wednesday, Friday morning & maybe get a workout in Saturday & Sunday morning.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Update - Changed my weight loss start date to 8/29/11

It turns out that the scale I was using was not calibrated so it hasn't given the correct weight.  I have been using a different weighing scale since August 29.  So now my start date has changed from July 11 to August 29.

So here's my progress so far:

Initial Weigh-In:  138 lbs

Week 1 -9/4/11
Weigh-In: 135.6 lbs
Lost: 2.4 lbs

Week 2 - 9/12/11
Weigh-In: 133.6 lbs
Lost: 2 lbs
Total Loss: 4.4 lbs

So far, in the two week span since I started my weigh loss program again, I am losing an average of 2.2 lbs per week.  If I continue with this pace, then I will be reaching my goal of getting down to 110 lbs by the end of November this year.