Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Counting Calories & Portion Control

For my everyday meal & exercise tracking, I have downloaded an app called "MyNetDiary" so I can track how many calories I am consuming every day.  So far, I haven't gone over my total food calories.

For portion control, I have learned that I need to read the nutrition label.  Before I would have those microwavable noodles for lunch and eat it all up, without realizing that the label says that the serving size is 1/2 the container.  So I am not only consuming twice the calories on what was written on the label but also consuming twice the sodium.

Since I can't seem to control how much I eat, say when I open a bag of chips, I followed the serving size written on the labels and separated them in zip lock bags.  I also bought snack that are already individually packed in single serve sizes.  

Lunch time, I don't really sweat it out so much so if I am not eating left over from dinner, I tend to eat fast food but I try and make it a point to pick the healthiest or less fattening on the menu. I snack in between meals too, like almonds or crackers.  For my sweet tooth, I bought myself some Skinny Cow chocolates.  I still eat regular chocolates, maybe a piece or two of kisses. And  during dinner, I noticed that I am not so hungry like before when I was just snacking on junk foods.  So now, I am eating less at night.
100-Calorie Packs
Whole Almond Packs (not salted)

Special K Crackers
Honey Nut Cheerios

Skinny Cow Chocolates

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